Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I'm watching a series on Netflix called 100 Years of Horror narrated by Christopher Lee and started watching the episode about Aliens.  They started to refer to the original movie "The Thing" and I was reminded of watching that movie with my Uncle Brent when I was 8 or 9 and it scaring me so much.  He was always one to watch science fiction with my sister and I, and let us watch scary movies that my parents wouldn't let us watch.  I know my parents ragged on him when she and I would have nightmares later, but it brings such warm, fond memories of times with him.

I miss him terribly.

1 comment:

  1. Dude! I just watched The Thing! I knew I'd seen it before! I just couldn't place it because apparently I was probably four years old. Haha. I blame Uncle Brent for my love of Sci-Fi Horror.
